Depressed/Sad/ADD?--Holy Cow,--Need I say More
(too old to reply)
Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.
2012-02-14 10:02:33 UTC
Depressed/Sad/ADD?--Holy Cow,--Need I say More Tim??

Re: Depressed/Sad/ADD?--Holy Cow,--Need I say More Tim??
My 5 yr-old son has had trouble sleeping since age 2. He is on
Risperdal and it seems to work well on the sleep part. He has seen 3
psych doctors and the last one was the very worst. He added OCD,
Tourettes, Bipolar, and more to the already diagnosed ADD and
depression. Dumped him like a hot rock
Tim--I will not comment on this, since it speaks volumes about
what you have been discussing for years! I pray this innocent child
finds some peace in life. It literally scares the hell out of me
that something like this is taking place. Although you have
these abuses extensively, I always prayed it wasn't true. Now even I
have to witness what is really happening out there, and it is
not a pretty picture at all. Heaven help us.

I know in my heart that with compassionate people like you Tim,
there is hope, although there is much that needs to be done to
fix this mess. I do feel that the tide turning in our direction,
and as more Parents receive correct information, they will understand
that hooking their children onto hard drugs is NOT the answer.
God bless and take care.

Sir Doc Art Wholeflaffers A.S.A. V.A.T. L.S.M.F.T.
Moderator of ALL Attention Deficit groups
Expert and writer of "A.D.D. the Phony Spin-Drome"
Published by Amalgamated Press
Mohammed Goldberg
2012-02-15 03:33:17 UTC
On 2/14/2012 5:02 AM, Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A. wrote:

Post by Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.
Sir Doc Art Wholeflaffers A.S.A. V.A.T. L.S.M.F.T.
Moderator of ALL Attention Deficit groups
Expert and writer of "A.D.D. the Phony Spin-Drome"
Published by Amalgamated Press
Aren't you the man who posed as a Dr. Richard X. Frager,
trying to pick young single women?

From: "Frank" <***@ten.hut>
Newsgroups: alt.support.attn-deficit
Subject: Jerry aka Sir art aka dr frager, this was a riot post.
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 20:37:14 -0700
Message-ID: <gbhld2$hc3$***@aioe.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: uKrEV6C54V4CioyYvWiX8A.user.aioe.org

Poor Jerry, aka Sir Arthur, tried many times as Dr. R X Frager to pick
up broads in jewish singles, and other single groups, ran across this on
that set me back roaring with laughter.

Janice Gelb View profile
More options Mar 19 1996, 1:00 am

Newsgroups: ba.singles
From: ***@eng.sun.com (Janice Gelb)
Date: 1996/03/19
Subject: Re: What should be the maximum AGE difference between a couple?
Post by Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.
Is even 10 years to much? And how old should you quit thinking about
dating a teen-ager? Now, that is a serious question, to us, uh,
This sounds slightly sleazy but I'll reply as if it was asked in a
dispassionate, information-gathering sort of way: it depends. Some
people are very mature at 20; others (say, for example, the person
who wrote the above) aren't mature at 50.


From: ***@eng.sun.com (Janice Gelb)
Subject: Re: What should be the maximum AGE difference between a couple?
Date: 1996/03/19
Message-ID: <4imp9t$***@engnews1.Eng.Sun.COM>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 143129925
references: <4ik2mq$***@nadine.teleport.com>
organization: SunSoft
reply-to: ***@eng.sun.com
newsgroups: ba.singles
Post by Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.
Is even 10 years to much? And how old should you quit thinking about
dating a teen-ager? Now, that is a serious question, to us, uh,
This sounds slightly sleazy but I'll reply as if it was asked in a
dispassionate, information-gathering sort of way: it depends. Some
people are very mature at 20; others (say, for example, the person
who wrote the above) aren't mature at 50.

Janice Gelb | The only connection Sun has with this
***@marvin.eng.sun.com | message is the return address.

"People are worried about online porn on the Internet. It's the endless
`Who's better--Kirk or Picard?' threads that *should* scare them."
-- Jim Mullen, _Entertainment Weekly_


Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.
2012-02-15 09:11:38 UTC
Post by Mohammed Goldberg
Sir Doc Art Wholeflaffers A.S.A.  V.A.T.  L.S.M.F.T.
Moderator of ALL Attention Deficit groups
Expert and writer of "A.D.D. the Phony Spin-Drome"
Published by Amalgamated Press
Aren't you...
This was a covert operation by a useful idiot called Mark Probert.
The poor guy ended up jumping off a bridge. We did everything we
could to save him, but by then it was way too late. This is usually
what happens when one gets addicted to strong zombie-like drugs like
Ritalin and the like. Most of the pro-med pushers ended up killing
themselves: Manson, Stan, and WAY too many to list.

The proof is that our side have saved thousands, most likely tens of
thousands of people or more from the phony spindrome called ADD. The
pro-med lobby went on a rampage, but of course we were on the side of
right and still are. Occasionally the pro-med Lobby rears its fat ugly
head, but as soon as they do the multitudes of our Truth-Squad are
ready to stamp them out.

Thanks for asking, now onwards and upwards,

Sir Doc Art Wholeflaffers A.S.A. V.A.T. L.S.M.F.T.
Moderator of ALL Attention Deficit groups
Expert and writer of "A.D.D. the Phony Spin-Drome"
Published by Amalgamated Press
Sir Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.
2012-03-11 13:44:32 UTC
Depressed/Sad/ADD?--Holy Cow,--Need I say More Tim??

Re: Depressed/Sad/ADD?--Holy Cow,--Need I say More Tim??
My 5 yr-old son has had trouble sleeping since age 2. He is on
Risperdal and it seems to work well on the sleep part. He has seen 3
psych doctors and the last one was the very worst. He added OCD,
Tourettes, Bipolar, and more to the already diagnosed ADD and
depression. Dumped him like a hot rock
Tim--I will not comment on this, since it speaks volumes about
what you have been discussing for years! I pray this innocent child
finds some peace in life. It literally scares the hell out of me
that something like this is taking place. Although you have
these abuses extensively, I always prayed it wasn't true. Now even I
have to witness what is really happening out there, and it is
not a pretty picture at all. Heaven help us.

I know in my heart that with compassionate people like you Tim,
there is hope, although there is much that needs to be done to
fix this mess. I do feel that the tide turning in our direction,
and as more Parents receive correct information, they will understand
that hooking their children onto hard drugs is NOT the answer.
God bless and take care.

Sir Doc Art Wholeflaffers A.S.A. V.A.T. L.S.M.F.T.
Moderator of ALL Attention Deficit groups
Expert and writer of "A.D.D. the Phony Spin-Drome"
Published by Amalgamated Press
