"Mark Seth Probert"
Keep proving he has a filthy mouth and does not read Torah everyday.
No, that would be you.
Linda, Carole, Illena, Jan
and Sara Freeman, and that is only a very partial list.
I feel sorry for Linda and Carole, since both are obviously ill and
need help.
I always respected Sara Freeman, and, in the end, she saw you for what
you are, a person who found weak or ill people to manipulate.
As for Ilena (she spells it with only one 'L') I rather like her for
her staunch advocacy. There are things that we disagree on, but,
bottom line, I feel that althoug she is wrong, she is well meaning.
You also manipulated Tim Brown, an admitted paranoid schizophrenic who
is a very decent guy. You probably neither bought his book or even
attempted to read it. It was very revealing.
He is a sick
individual whose Cult has been totally discredited: Stan, Wright,
Peter, et. al. (and his alter-ego: Frank!)
You are, of course, speaking of yourself. You are well documented in
that you illegally impersonated a doctor, altered stories from the
Wahington Post, and deadbeated your ISP.
All of that has been documented.