Add New "In" Diagnosis//Neurologist Makes Snap Decision
(too old to reply)
Sir Arthur
2013-01-17 10:48:27 UTC
Add New "In" Diagnosis//Neurologist Makes Snap Decision

Neurologist Makes Snap Decision/Add New "In" Diagnosis
...actually, to make a long story short, Ritalin is an amphetamine-type
stimulant... often prescribed by shrinks for the social control of bored
schoolchildren under the pretext of treating so-called "Attention Deficit
Ah, so another moron decides that ADD doesn't exist regardless of
the number of observed cases in children and adults. Wonderful. While
you're working on solving the world's problems through denial, start
disbelieving clinical depression, bipolar disorder, and for that matter,
cancer, and AIDS.
Well, I can only speak from my own (and my family's) experience. A
couple of years ago the public school system tried to label my
daughter ADD.
At the time, I was unfamiliar with the term. I became somewhat
suspicious when I was given a parent survey form, and noticed that a)
the same
behavior that is considered healthy (non-ADD behavior) for a boy is
considered symptomatic of ADD in a girl, and b) most of the "symptoms"
of ADD could apply to any bright, bored kid.

(Now, this was the same public school system that informed my parents
that my 5-year-old little brother was retarded. That was the "in"
diagnosis at the time; if this were happening now, they would have
labeled him ADD
instead. My little "retarded" brother graduated from a prestigious
university a few years ago, and is now gaining respect from management
and techies alike in his job with a large well-known software company.
Many family members have commented that my daughter is much like him
temperament and personality.)

Needless to say, I pulled my daughter out of that school, and placed
her in a small private school. What a surprise; her ADD "symptoms"
disappeared! She's also been seeing a therapist who agrees that
there's no way this
kid has ADD.

I tend to agree that the public schools are using the "ADD" label as a
convenient excuse to drug bright and creative children into
complacency, and I'd advise any parent out there who is told that
their child may
have ADD to consider other possible causes and solutions. I'm not
that there is no such thing as inherent ADD, but I, personally, have
yet to
see any evidence of it. I basing my opinion on actual experience; if
makes me a "moron", then so be it.

-- Sandra
***@aol.com (DrAztlan) responded to the above post:

I'm sure that ADD exists, but the alarming number of new diagnosis
should be an automatic red light. Seems to me that the symptoms of
ADD are
the same as the symptoms of boredom. I don't know if the schools are
doing this to drug kids into complacency, but it sure is the effect.
I tend
to shy away from conspiracy theories of this large a scope. Unless a
child is a danger to himself or others, medication for psychosis
should be a
VERY distant consideration. I can't figure why meds are even
considered before therapy is attempted.
My son was diagnosed with ADD today by a neurologist hired by the school
after a 20-minute physical exam and a brief history from
me, diagnosed my son with ADD
He then told me that my son should start Ritalin -- today. I have heard
horror stories about Ritalin on TV, and in newspapers--I don't think I
could start my son on Ritalin based on a 20-minute exam.
I hope the above exchange will help you examine the moral and ethical
implications of being forced to "drug" your child senseless,
especially after he was given a "quickie" diagnosis of ADD. The
choice, or course, is your to
make, but rushing hurly-burly into a long-term treatment of
dangerous medication could be ill-advised. This so-called solution to
could tragically alter his personality forever, thus leaving you with
a sense of guilt
and horror when you discover that you were purposely misinformed and
into giving consent to a risky and unproved remedy. Furthermore, the
question of long-term side-effects of certain medications like
"Ritalin" have at
best been unresolved and at worst have been clinically proven to cause
cancer and other dreaded diseases.

Be very careful with your decision, as even on these newsgroup there
are "rogue" elements that try to discredit those that have been harmed
by "forced" medication, similar to your predicament. If you are able
to read this, rest assured that you are not alone in your concerns.
The United
States has the dubious distinction of having the greatest number (per
capita and total cases)
of ADD in the world; moreover, Ritalin usage in America is greater
then the
rest of the world COMBINED. So please, voice your suspicions to other
concerned citizens and medical professionals before you decide on any
course of action.

This World had gotten along swimmingly before "ADD" was "discovered"
and well before "Cylert", "Ritalin", "Dex" or "Zoloft" were used to
"cure" it.

Let me conclude by saying that ADD is a real syndrome, but the
amount of cases being diagnosed is ten to twenty times higher
than it should be. Please ask me for a reference of useful books
on his subject and do not be distracted by the Pro-Medication
Lobby. Thank you.

Sir Artio
John H. Gohde
2013-01-17 12:43:24 UTC
Post by Sir Arthur
Add New "In" Diagnosis//Neurologist Makes Snap Decision
Neurologist Makes Snap Decision/Add New "In" Diagnosis
...actually, to make a long story short, Ritalin is an amphetamine-type
stimulant... often prescribed by shrinks for the social control of bored
schoolchildren under the pretext of treating so-called "Attention Deficit
        Ah, so another moron decides that ADD doesn't exist regardless of
the number of observed cases in children and adults.  Wonderful.  While
you're working on solving the world's problems through denial, start
disbelieving clinical depression, bipolar disorder, and for that matter,
cancer, and AIDS.
Well, I can only speak from my own (and my family's) experience.  A
couple of years ago the public school system tried to label my
daughter ADD.
At the time, I was unfamiliar with the term.  I became somewhat
suspicious when I was given a parent survey form, and noticed that a)
the same
behavior that is considered healthy (non-ADD behavior) for a boy is
considered symptomatic of ADD in a girl, and b) most of the "symptoms"
of ADD could apply to any bright, bored kid.
(Now, this was the same public school system that informed my parents
that my 5-year-old little brother was retarded.  That was the "in"
diagnosis at the time; if this were happening now, they would have
labeled him ADD
instead.  My little "retarded" brother graduated from a prestigious
university a few years ago, and is now gaining respect from management
and techies alike in his job with a large well-known software company.
Many family members have commented that my daughter is much like him
temperament and personality.)
Needless to say, I pulled my daughter out of that school, and placed
her in a small private school.  What a surprise; her ADD "symptoms"
disappeared! She's also been seeing a therapist who agrees that
there's no way this
kid has ADD.
I tend to agree that the public schools are using the "ADD" label as a
convenient excuse to drug bright and creative children into
complacency, and I'd advise any parent out there who is told that
their child may
have ADD to consider other possible causes and solutions.  I'm not
that there is no such thing as inherent ADD, but I, personally, have
yet to
see any evidence of it.  I basing my opinion on actual experience; if
makes me a "moron", then so be it.
-- Sandra
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
I'm sure that ADD exists, but the alarming number of new diagnosis
should be an automatic red light.  Seems to me that the symptoms of
ADD are
the same as the symptoms of boredom.  I don't know if the schools are
doing this to drug kids into complacency, but it sure is the effect.
I tend
to shy away from conspiracy theories of this large a scope.  Unless a
child is a danger to himself or others, medication for psychosis
should be a
VERY distant consideration.  I can't figure why meds are even
considered before therapy is attempted.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
My son was diagnosed with ADD today by a neurologist hired by the school
after a 20-minute physical exam and a brief history from
me, diagnosed my son with ADD
He then told me that my son should start Ritalin -- today.  I have heard
horror stories about Ritalin on TV, and in newspapers--I don't think I
could start my son on Ritalin based on a 20-minute exam.
I hope the above exchange will help you examine the moral and ethical
implications  of being forced to "drug" your child senseless,
especially after he was given a "quickie" diagnosis of ADD.  The
choice, or course, is your to
make, but rushing hurly-burly into a long-term treatment of
dangerous medication could be ill-advised.  This so-called solution to
could tragically alter his personality forever, thus leaving you with
a sense of guilt
and horror when you discover that you were purposely misinformed and
into giving consent to a risky and unproved remedy.  Furthermore, the
question of long-term side-effects of certain medications like
"Ritalin" have at
best been unresolved and at worst have been clinically proven to cause
cancer and other dreaded diseases.
Be very careful with your decision, as even on these newsgroup there
are "rogue" elements that try to discredit those that have been harmed
by "forced" medication, similar to your predicament.  If you are able
to read this, rest assured that you are not alone in your concerns.
The United
States has the dubious distinction of having the greatest number (per
capita and total cases)
of ADD in the world;  moreover, Ritalin usage in America is greater
then the
rest of the world COMBINED.  So please, voice your suspicions to other
concerned citizens and medical professionals before you decide on any
course of action.
This World had gotten along swimmingly before "ADD" was "discovered"
and well before "Cylert", "Ritalin",  "Dex" or "Zoloft" were used to
"cure" it.
Let me conclude by saying that ADD is a real syndrome, but the
amount of cases being diagnosed is ten to twenty times higher
than it should be.  Please ask me for a reference of useful books
on his subject and do not be distracted by the Pro-Medication
Lobby.  Thank you.
Boo! alt.support.attn-deficit.doesnt-exist

Ergo, YOU guys need to get lost!
Sir D. R. Arthur C.B.E. Wholeflaffers A.S.A.
2013-01-17 17:09:14 UTC
Post by Sir Arthur
Add New "In" Diagnosis//Neurologist Makes Snap Decision
Neurologist Makes Snap Decision/Add New "In" Diagnosis
...actually, to make a long story short, Ritalin is an amphetamine-type
stimulant... often prescribed by shrinks for the social control of bored
schoolchildren under the pretext of treating so-called "Attention Deficit
        Ah, so another moron decides that ADD doesn't exist regardless of
the number of observed cases in children and adults.  Wonderful.  While
you're working on solving the world's problems through denial, start
disbelieving clinical depression, bipolar disorder, and for that matter,
cancer, and AIDS.
Well, I can only speak from my own (and my family's) experience.  A
couple of years ago the public school system tried to label my
daughter ADD.
At the time, I was unfamiliar with the term.  I became somewhat
suspicious when I was given a parent survey form, and noticed that a)
the same
behavior that is considered healthy (non-ADD behavior) for a boy is
considered symptomatic of ADD in a girl, and b) most of the "symptoms"
of ADD could apply to any bright, bored kid.
(Now, this was the same public school system that informed my parents
that my 5-year-old little brother was retarded.  That was the "in"
diagnosis at the time; if this were happening now, they would have
labeled him ADD
instead.  My little "retarded" brother graduated from a prestigious
university a few years ago, and is now gaining respect from management
and techies alike in his job with a large well-known software company.
Many family members have commented that my daughter is much like him
temperament and personality.)
Needless to say, I pulled my daughter out of that school, and placed
her in a small private school.  What a surprise; her ADD "symptoms"
disappeared! She's also been seeing a therapist who agrees that
there's no way this
kid has ADD.
I tend to agree that the public schools are using the "ADD" label as a
convenient excuse to drug bright and creative children into
complacency, and I'd advise any parent out there who is told that
their child may
have ADD to consider other possible causes and solutions.  I'm not
that there is no such thing as inherent ADD, but I, personally, have
yet to
see any evidence of it.  I basing my opinion on actual experience; if
makes me a "moron", then so be it.
-- Sandra
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
I'm sure that ADD exists, but the alarming number of new diagnosis
should be an automatic red light.  Seems to me that the symptoms of
ADD are
the same as the symptoms of boredom.  I don't know if the schools are
doing this to drug kids into complacency, but it sure is the effect.
I tend
to shy away from conspiracy theories of this large a scope.  Unless a
child is a danger to himself or others, medication for psychosis
should be a
VERY distant consideration.  I can't figure why meds are even
considered before therapy is attempted.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
My son was diagnosed with ADD today by a neurologist hired by the school
after a 20-minute physical exam and a brief history from
me, diagnosed my son with ADD
He then told me that my son should start Ritalin -- today.  I have heard
horror stories about Ritalin on TV, and in newspapers--I don't think I
could start my son on Ritalin based on a 20-minute exam.
I hope the above exchange will help you examine the moral and ethical
implications  of being forced to "drug" your child senseless,
especially after he was given a "quickie" diagnosis of ADD.  The
choice, or course, is your to
make, but rushing hurly-burly into a long-term treatment of
dangerous medication could be ill-advised.  This so-called solution to
could tragically alter his personality forever, thus leaving you with
a sense of guilt
and horror when you discover that you were purposely misinformed and
into giving consent to a risky and unproved remedy.  Furthermore, the
question of long-term side-effects of certain medications like
"Ritalin" have at
best been unresolved and at worst have been clinically proven to cause
cancer and other dreaded diseases.
Be very careful with your decision, as even on these newsgroup there
are "rogue" elements that try to discredit those that have been harmed
by "forced" medication, similar to your predicament.  If you are able
to read this, rest assured that you are not alone in your concerns.
The United
States has the dubious distinction of having the greatest number (per
capita and total cases)
of ADD in the world;  moreover, Ritalin usage in America is greater
then the
rest of the world COMBINED.  So please, voice your suspicions to other
concerned citizens and medical professionals before you decide on any
course of action.
This World had gotten along swimmingly before "ADD" was "discovered"
and well before "Cylert", "Ritalin",  "Dex" or "Zoloft" were used to
"cure" it.
Let me conclude by saying that ADD is a real syndrome, but the
amount of cases being diagnosed is ten to twenty times higher
than it should be.  Please ask me for a reference of useful books
on his subject and do not be distracted by the Pro-Medication
Lobby.  Thank you.
Boo!  alt.support.attn-deficit.doesnt-exist
Ergo, YOU guys need to get lost!
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you to help me to Let me help you to help me to help you to help me to
help you to help me to help you to help me to help you to help me to
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Let me help you to help me to help you to help me to help you to help
me to help you to help me to help you to help me to help you to help
me to help you to help me to help you to help me to Let me help you to
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help me to help you to help me to help you to help me to help you to
help me to help you to help me to Let me help you to help me to help
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you to help me to Let me help you to help me to help you to help me to
help you to help me to help you to help me to help you to help me to
help you to help me to help you to help me to help you to help me to
help you.
